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Chateau Montrose 2023

Saint Estephe
Topwein des Jahrganges

Auf einmal spricht jeder von „terrasse no 4“, ein spezielles Cabernet-Terroir, sehr steinig, arm an Nährstoffen und relativ sauer, über das im gesamten Medoc nur wenige Chateau verfügen. Chateau Margaux teilt sich zum Beispiel eine weitere analoge Formation mit Chateau Palmer und Chateau Rauzan Segla. Chateau Montrose verfügt über sage und schreibe 45 Hektar dieses einzigartigen Bodens, diese 45 Hektar liegen direkt vor dem Chateau zum Fluss hin ausgerichtet. Und mit dem Jahrgang 2023 beginnend, wird der Grand Vin nur noch aus diesem Terroir vinifiziert. Was diese Rebfläche an Qualität hervorbrachte, ist das Beeindruckendste was wir je auf Montrose verkostet haben und eines der größten Primeur-Erlebnisse unserer Karriere. 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 21% Merlot, 4% Cabernet Franc beinhaltet die Cuvee, lediglich 35% der Gesamternte gelangten in den Erstwein und das Ergebnis, woooow!  Mehr geht nicht, dieser Wein hat einfach alles und davon immer nochmals eines mehr. Die Perfektion der Perfektion!

Chateau Montrose 2023

3 Fl. á 0,75l in der 3er OVP
505,20 €
224,53 € / Liter
6 Fl. á 0,75l in der 6er OVP
1.001,40 €
222,53 € / Liter
12 Fl. á 0,75l in der 12er OVP
1.992,00 €
221,33 € / Liter


12 Fl. á 0,375l in der 12er OVP
1.021,20 €
226,93 € / Liter
24 Fl. á 0,375l in der 24er OVP
2.030,40 €
225,60 € / Liter
1 Fl. á 1,5l in der 1er OVP
339,50 €
226,33 € / Liter
3 Fl. á 1,5l in der 3er OVP
1.007,10 €
223,80 € / Liter
6 Fl. á 1,5l in der 6er OVP
2.007,60 €
223,07 € / Liter
1 Fl. á 3l in der 1er OVP
722,00 €
240,67 € / Liter
1 Fl. á 6l in der 1er OVP
1.410,00 €
235,00 € / Liter
1 Fl. á 12l in der 1er OVP
2.911,00 €
242,58 € / Liter


WEINWISSER: "75 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 21 % Merlot, 4 % Cabernet Franc, 13.5 Vol.-%, 48 hl/ha. Dicht verwobenes schwarzbeeriges Bouquet, tiefschürfende Terroirwürze und frischgepflückte schwarze Johannisbeeren. Im zweiten Ansatz Holundergelee, zarter Iris-Duft, Schokonoten und heller Tabak. Am komplexen Gaumen mit samtiger Textur, herrlicher Extraktfülle, engmaschigem reifem Tanninkorsett, ein perfekt geformter Modelathlet, der ungeheure Dichte, aber auch Präzision zeigt. Im konzentrierten, nicht enden wollenden Finale schwarzbeerige Konturen, Sandelholz, dunkles Graphit und königliche Adstringenz. "Return to origins of the terroir." 35 % Selektion von der kompletten Menge und auf dem Weg zur Bestnote."
JAMES SUCKLING: "Wow. This is the essence of Montrose, with blackberry, blackcurrant, crushed stone and earth. I have not tasted a Montrose like this in 42 years of my career. It has a much more vertical nature to it, with layered tannins that go very deep and long, The muscular structure and intensity is something else. This is a new era for Montrose. It is now made from only 45 hectares of vineyards right in front of the chateau, instead of about 60 before. 75% cabernet sauvignon, 21% merlot and 4% cabernet franc."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "The 2023 Montrose is another brilliant wine from an estate that's now routinely among Bordeaux's very best, year in, year out. A blend of 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 21% Merlot and 4% Cabernet Franc, derived exclusively from the estate's historic core on the fourth terrace situated just in front of the château itself, it unwinds in the glass with aromas of cassis and wild berries mingled with notions of lilac, violet and pencil shavings. Full-bodied, deep and layered, with a textural attack that segues into a dense, multidimensional mid-palate framed by beautifully ripe tannins and lively acids, it concludes with a long, resonant finish. It will be worth a special effort to seek out."
JEB DUNNUCK: "Made from a strict selection of only the best terroirs (terrace 4) around the estate and the oldest vines, the 2023 Château Montrose is a more Cabernet Sauvignon-driven wine than normal and is based on 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 21% Merlot, and 4% Cabernet Franc that will see 18 months in 60% new French oak. The result is a more plush, deep, opulent wine that has classic Montrose darker, almost blue fruits, violets, chocolate, and damp earth-like aromas and flavors. Deep, rich, full-bodied, and expansive on the palate, it has more richness, breadth, and concentration than just about every other wine in the vintage. The 2023 hit 13.5% natural alcohol with a pH of 3.7. It has some similarities to the 2010 (or 2016?) and might end up being the wine of the vintage."
DECANTER: "So floral and aromatic, really inviting and welcoming on the nose, more aromatic than some. Smooth and intense, clearly concentrated but supple and bouncy, there’s movement to this, it’s not strict. So precise, and finessed, you can feel the edges of the fine tannins - well executed with a mineral grip underneath. You can tell there’s power here, it has muscles but sinew also. Quite demonstrative really - it’s flexing but keeps such a clear line of focus and cool blue fruit with graphite and liquorice too. Round and penetrating with an excellent weight and balance of acidity in the mouth while keeping harmony alongside a hint of sweet and just-ripe strawberries mostly with crunchy cranberry too. A lot to like here. Great effort, classy and comfortable - multi-faceted while still being so juicy and approachable. 60% new oak, ageing in barrels only for 18 months. 3.7pH. 13.6% press wine (300 barrels of press split into seven qualities). 35% grand vin in total, mainly from the old vines which is 45% of the vineyard but 35% of the crop. 48hl/ha yield."
LISA PERROTTI-BROWN: "Deep garnet-purple in color, the 2023 Montrose gallops out of the glass with intense scents of crushed blackcurrants, fresh blackberries, and raspberries along with nuances of licorice, crushed rocks, and mossy tree bark plus a hint of iron ore. The medium-bodied palate has impressive tension and tight-knit black and red berry flavors intertwined with mineral accents, framed by fine-grained tannins, finishing long and sparkly. The first wine accounted for only 35% of the estate's production this year. The blend is 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 21% Merlot, and 4% Cabernet Franc, with pH 3.70."
VINUM: "Tiefgründig, nobel, erhaben, feine Würze, dunkle und rote Frucht; klar und rein am Gaumen, ein Kraftpaket, das über die Zunge schwebt, sensationelle Gerbstoffqualität, viel Frische, Präzision und Dynamik. Im Abgang tänzerisch leicht, fast nicht enden wollend."
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "The complex perfume displays its flowers, crushed rock, black raspberry, and currants with just a swirl or two. There is freshness, with a sense of purity, lift, and elegance on the palate. The wine is long, complex, and refined. This is not a blockbuster styled vintage. Instead, it is focused, harmonious, balanced, and long, with sweetness, spice, and energy that lingers in the finish. The wine is a blend of 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 21% Merlot, and 4% Cabernet Franc. 13.6% ABV, pH 3.7. Harvesting took place September 5 - September 28. Drink from 2030-2065."
FALSTAFF: "Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, opaker Kern, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Zart tabakig unterlegte schwarze Waldbeerfrucht, feine Nuancen von Brombeeren und Kirschen, kandierte Orangenzesten sind unterlegt. Komplex, saftig, feine dunkle Fruchtnuancen, reife Tannine, zarte Mineralität, bereits gut entwickelt, ein eleganter Speisenbegleiter mit Reifepotenzial."
JANCIS ROBINSON: "More Cabernet this year. Deep colour. Purity, freshness and density on the nose. Sensual texture. Suave tannins then plenty of drive through to a long finish. Structured but just so pure and refined. Very accomplished. Drink 2032 – 2055"


Saint Estephe
Chateau Montrose
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer:
Chateau Montrose, 3 Avenue des Vignolles, 33180 Saint-Estèphe, Frankreich
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