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Chateau Leoville Las Cases 2022

Saint Julien
Topwein des Jahrgangs

Das erste Mal in der Geschichte des Weinbaus weltweit, dass ein Wein bei Jungwein-Proben von sage und schreibe 18 Verkostern die Höchst-Punktzahl von 100 Punkten oder das Äquivalent von 20 Punkten erhielt. Mehr gibt es dem eigentlich nicht hinzuzufügen. 83,5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10,5% Cabernet Franc, 6% Merlot, all dies geerntet mit 37 hl/ha. Das Ergebnis ist schiere Perfektion mit Rasse, Power, Finesse, Komplexität, Viskosität, Mineralität. All dies vereint 2022 Leoville Las Cases in einer Art und Weise, wie es nur ein Premier Cru in ganz großen Jahrgängen erreicht. Leoville Las Cases, der sechste Premier Cru? Who knows…!

Chateau Leoville Las Cases 2022

6 Fl. á 0,75l in der 6er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar
12 Fl. á 0,75l in der 12er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar


12 Fl. á 0,375l in der 12er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar
24 Fl. á 0,375l in der 24er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar
3 Fl. á 1,5l in der 3er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar
6 Fl. á 1,5l in der 6er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar
1 Fl. á 3l in der 1er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar
1 Fl. á 6l in der 1er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar


WEINWISSER: "83.5 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 10.5 % Cabernet Franc, 6 % Merlot, pH 3.8, 14.25 Vol.-%, 37 hl/ha, Presswein 8 %. Unglaublich tiefgründiges Bouquet, frisch gepflückte Alpenheidelbeere, edle Cassiswürze, betörender Irisduft und dunkle Mineralik. Im zweiten Ansatz Szechuanpfeffer, Holundergelee und heller Tabak. Am durchtrainierten und komplexen Gaumen mit seidiger Textur, engmaschigem Tanninkorsett, edlem mineralischen Kern sowie perfekt balancierter Rasse. Im konzentrierten, ewig langen Finale katapultiert sich der St. Julien nach vorne und endet mit Wildkirsche und tiefschürfender Terroirwürze; unglaublich kraftvoll und rein, alles am richtigen Platz. Ein Gigant, der einem den Atem raubt. Ganz klar: Bestnote! 2032 – 2068."
JAMES SUCKLING: "This shows no gravity. The tannins are totally melted in the wine and give it fantastic structure, but the texture is so fresh and vivid. Crushed stone. Cloves. Chinese spices. Great finish. Opening and flying away. Orange peel. Very special. Thought-provoking. Endless. 83.5% cabernet sauvignon, 10.5% cabernet franc and 6% merlot."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "One of the wines of the vintage this year is the 2022 LĂ©oville Las Cases, a monument in the making that combines unerring classicism with unusual sensuality and charm by the standards of this estate's sometimes youthfully forbidding wines. Exhibiting deep aromas of dark berries, violets, pencil lead, rose petals and tobacco leaf, it's full-bodied, deep and multidimensional, with terrific concentration, beautiful purity of fruit, abundant but refined tannins and a long, vibrant finish. On the several occasions that I tasted it, the 2022 was surprisingly open for a young Las Cases, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were to shut down after a few years in bottle. It's a blend of 83.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10.5% Cabernet Franc and 6% Merlot."
DECANTER: "A luminous and utterly brilliant wine in 2022 that really sets itself apart. Hints of black bramble fruit, spicy peppercorns, violets, sweet cherries, crushed stones, ink and cocoa powder on the nose - all so very appealing. Tension and direction from the get go, this is sleek and slick, dense but such alluring coolness, with crushed stones and blueberries giving minerality as well as juicy acidity providing lift. It’s not out to shine right now, but there’s such confidence on show. Direct, slowly expanding effortlessly as it goes from start to finish, elongating the fine tannic structure that supports but doesn't overwhelm. So poised and refined, charming in a dark, utterly seductive way. Firm, but fruity, cool and calm, coming in waves. One of the wines of the vintage with striking power but delivered so perfectly with everything in balance."
JEB DUNNUCK: "Looking at the Grand Vin 2022 Château Léoville Las Cases, it has an almost Pauillac-like style in its ripe, powerful aromatics of graphite, lead pencil shavings, cassis, and liquid rock-like minerality. Full-bodied, massively concentrated, and powerful on the palate, it nevertheless stays flawlessly balanced, has just about off-the-charts purity, ripe yet building tannins, and a great finish. This will clearly rank with the truly greats from this address and reminds me slightly of a mix of the 2016 and 2018. It is not, however, going to be for those looking for instant gratification."
LISA PERROTTI-BROWN: „A blend of 83.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10.5% Cabernet Franc, and 6% Merlot, with a pH of 3.8, the 2022 Leoville Las Cases is deep garnet-purple in color. It needs a lot of waking up before it strides confidently out of the glass with classic scents of warm cassis, juicy black plums, and pencil shavings, giving way to wafts of evocative scents of iron ore, crushed rocks, wood smoke, and violets, with a hint of star anise. The medium to full-bodied palate is the Taj Mahal of Cabernets, built with an amazing structure and so many intricate layers, it makes the mind spin. Youthful, crunchy black fruits and mineral sparks give way to a core of savory notes and plum preserves, intertwined with a firm backbone of exquisitely ripe tannins, and a very long, seamlessly lively finish. Wow!"
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "Inky in color, the wine is all about its full-body, intensity, levels of concentration, and sense of purity. The wine starts off with violets, cassis, blackberries, Cuban cigar wrapper, ash, smoke, licorice, and mint. On the palate, the levels of concentration are readily apparent. Yet, even with all its depth of flavor, there is refinement, lift, and complexity that requires time and effort to unfurl. The fruit is uncommonly rich in the mid-palate the tannins are strong, ripe and firm. The seamless finish, with its wall of rich, black and blue fruit hits the 60 second mark with ease. As always, Leoville Las Cases requires bottle aging. But, with 2022, my guess is the wine will start to shine after a decade of age, evolving and improving for 40-50 years with ease. Produced from a blend 83.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10.5% Cabernet Franc and 6% Merlot. 14.25% ABV. 3.80 pH. Harvesting took place September 8 - September 30. Yields were 36 hectoliters per hectare. This is only the second time in the history of the estate that you find more Cabernet Franc than Merlot in the blend. Drink from 2030-2065."
FALSTAFF: "Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, tintig, opaker Kern, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Zart nach Nugat und GewĂĽrzen, reife dunkle Beerenfrucht ist unterlegt, zart nach Lakritze und Cassis, ein Hauch von Orangenzesten, ein Hauch von Nugat. Stoffig, elegant, feine ExtraktsĂĽĂźe, reife schwarze Kirschen, feine tragende Tannine, mineralisch und sehr lange, saliner Nachhall, tolles Zukunftspotenzial, frisch und verfĂĽhrerisch, ein Klassiker."
VINUM: "Zurückhaltende Ausbauaromatik; beginnt fleischig, wuchtige Entwicklung über mit herrlich sattem Tannin, immense Spannkraft und Rasse und superbe Länge: Meisterlich gekelterter, perfekt ausbalancierter Las Cases."
JANCIS ROBINSON: "Deep crimson colour. Complex, powerful and refined with blackcurrant, violet, spice and cedar notes. Juicy and dense with layered fruit and tannins. Big structure but the tannins almost hidden. Picks up pace on the finish. Long. One of the top wines this year. "

Informationen zum Weingut

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Das erste Mal in der Geschichte des Weins weltweit, dass ein Wein bei Jungwein-Proben von sage und schreibe 18 Verkostern die Höchst-Punktzahl von 100 Punkten oder das Äquivalent von 20 Punkten erhie
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Saint Julien
Chateau Leoville Las Cases
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer:
Chateau Leoville Las Cases, Rue de L´Ecole, 33250 Saint-Julien-Beychevelle, Frankreich
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