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Chateau La Mondotte 2022

Saint Emilion
Top Saint Emilion!

Das Flagschiff der Neipperg-Kollektion, so auch im Jahrgang 2022. Kein Wunder, verfügt La Mondotte doch, hoch oben auf dem Kalkstein-Plateau gelegen, über herausragende Böden. 80% Merlot im Zusammenspiel mit 20% Cabernet Franc perfekt verwoben, zeigen tiefe Aromen dunkler Beeren, Kirschen, Graphit und Oliven. Am Gaumen sehr konzentriert, trotzdem enorme Mineralität mit präziser Zeichnung und komplexer Aromatik. Ein sehr rassiger Wein mit Energie, der einige Jahre der Lagerung benötigt, dann aber grandiosen Trinkspaß vermitteln wird. Ein top St. Emilion.

Chateau La Mondotte 2022

6 Fl. á 0,75l in der 6er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfügbar
12 Fl. á 0,75l in der 12er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfügbar


FALSTAFF: "Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Feine Nuancen von Lakritze, schwarze Kirschen und Mandarinenzesten, kühles Bukett, mineralischer Touch. Straff, stoffig, elegant, frischer Säurebogen, reife, tragende Tannine, rotbeerig und lebendig im Abgang, finessenreicher Stil, ein facettenreicher Speisenbegleiter."
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "Deeply colored, the wine is concentrated, powerful, long, rich and intense. The fruits coat your palate with its layers of black and dark red fruits. The tannins are ripe. the fruits are sweet, lush, and opulent, as well as vibrant and elegant. The lengthy finish balances its mineral driven side with its power and freshness. The wine blends 80% Merlot with 20% Cabernet Franc, 14% ABV. The harvest took place September 3 - September 9. 2027-2060."
JAMES SUCKLING: "Blackberries and blueberries with chalkboard and dark earth aromas. Flowers, too. Lead pencil. Full-bodied and very deep in the palate, which is reserved and texturally sophisticated. Chalky, too. Silky and very polished. 80% merlot and 20% cabernet franc. From organically grown grapes."
WEINWISSER: "80 % Merlot, 20 % Cabernet Franc, 45 hl/ha, 14 Vol.-%. Tiefgründiges, dicht verwobenes Bouquet, Wildkirsche, Estragon, schwarze Oliven, Graphit und Holundergelee. Am komplexen Gaumen mit seidiger Textur, edlem mineralischem Kern, stützender Rasse und engmaschigem Tanninkorsett. Im konzentrierten Finale mit einer Explosion von blauen Beeren, tiefschürfende Terroirwürze und erhabene Adstringenz. Ein Wein, der mit gewaltigem Lagerpotenzial punktet! 2030 – 2060."
DECANTER: "Intensely floral and perfumed, rich, open and generous - quite intense though, smells a bit ripe and alcoholic. Bold but precise, this has a nice depth and density to the plush, ripe blackcurrant and black cherry fruit. Lovely sharp vein, mineral with bite and tang, slightly strict and tense on the one hand but soft, smooth, round and chewy on the other giving a push-pull of power and vibrancy. Clearly concentrated and powerful but holds interest and will age very well. Quite massy but I love the juicy core and raised acidity that gives it life. Mineral, salty, graphite and stony-laced tannins leave the lasting impression creating a moreish aftertaste. Fresh and finessed, but strong, broad and intense. Yield of 45hl/ha. 40% new oak barrels."
LISA PERROTTI-BROWN: „The 2022 La Mondotte is made up of 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc with a pH of 3.48. Yields were 45 hl/ha, and it is aging in 40% new oak. Deep garnet-purple in color, it needs a bit of swirling to bring out notes of plum preserves, blackberry preserves, and fruit cake, leading to suggestions of Indian spices, unsmoked cigars, and iron ore. The medium to full-bodied palate is tightly wound with black and blue fruit layers, framed by fine-grained tannins and great tension, finishing long and with great purity."
JEB DUNNUCK: "Coming from pure limestone soils just above Château Pavie, the 2022 La Mondotte is inky hued and medium to full-bodied, with a concentrated yet surprisingly supple, elegant profile. Yields were healthy in the Comtes von Neipperg lineup of wines, and I think that contributes to the more open, supple, elegant style here. Nevertheless, it's beautifully textured, has good concentration, ripe tannins, and tons of limestone character on the finish. This beautiful, layered, elegant Saint-Emilion will be drinkable right out of the gate yet still evolve gracefully."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "The 2022 La Mondotte is deep and concentrated, unwinding in the glass with brooding aromas of wild berries, licorice, violets and black truffle. Full-bodied, ample and layered, it's deep and youthfully introverted, its concentrated core of fruit girdled by lively acids and sweet, beautifully powdery tannins."
VINUM: "Beeindruckend vollmundig, grosse Tiefe, erstklassiges, perfekt eingebundenes Tannin, langes Finale; perfekt gemeisterter Extrakt"
JANCIS ROBINSON: "Dark and red fruit with a saline edge. Suave and round on the palate but firm as well, a chalky freshness adding another dimension. Plenty of restraint but the power is there. Perhaps a touch more finesse this year. "

Informationen zum Weingut

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2022 Bordeaux - 38 Generationen NEIPPERG

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Saint Emilion
Chateau La Mondotte
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer:
Chateau Canon-la-Gaffelière, 33330 Saint-Émilion, Frankreich
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