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Chateau Palmer 2023


333,00 Euro sind wirklich kein Discountangebot, angesichts der im Vorjahr aufgerufenen 410,00 Euro aber zumindest ein satter Preisnachlass. Die Lese war mit 22hl/ha sehr klein, zudem gibt das Chateau nur eine kleine Menge auf den Markt. 45% Merlot in Kombination mit 51% Cabernet Sauvignon und 4% Petit Verdot beeindruckten durch eine enorme Extraktsüße, dunkle Beeren, ganz fein austarierte, seidige Tannine und einen konzentrierten, tiefen Abgang. Ein Powerhaus an Finesse.

Chateau Palmer 2023

1 Fl. á 0,75l in der 1er OVP
338,00 €
450,67 € / Liter
3 Fl. á 0,75l in der 3er OVP
1.006,20 €
447,20 € / Liter
6 Fl. á 0,75l in der 6er OVP
1.998,00 €
444,00 € / Liter


1 Fl. á 1,5l in der 1er OVP
673,50 €
449,00 € / Liter
3 Fl. á 1,5l in der 3er OVP
2.005,80 €
445,73 € / Liter
1 Fl. á 3l in der 1er OVP
1.390,00 €
463,33 € / Liter
1 Fl. á 6l in der 1er OVP
2.746,00 €
457,67 € / Liter

Chateau Palmer über den Jahrgang 2023


DECANTER: "What a Palmer in 2023! Crazy aromatics, full and bright, packed with intense scents of pink and purple flowers, damson fruit - clearly ripe no doubt, but no overt heat with some graphite and liquorice on the nose too and the dried herb Cabernet notes. Rich, layered and voluptuous, one you could use the word opulent to describe, full of flavour and really fruit forward. Not as overtly juicy as some, more harmonious and balanced, the tannins are perfectly integrated with the fruit and acidity with the added plushness that the Merlot gives to the blend. Powered and structured, but less serious than some with great energy, generosity and charm on show in terms of texture but it’s focussed too with a long length. Something very captivating about this. Lots of cool classicism on the finish with a salty, mineral, oyster shell undercurrent. 55% new oak for the first year in barrel then one year in 30hl foudre. 3.75pH. 13% press. 32hl/ha yield."
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "Violets, tobacco, blackberries, cigar box, spice, and black cherries form the perfume. On the palate, the wine is silky, lush, polished, and fresh. There is length, purity, velvety tannins, and a racy, energetic, fruit-packed finish, with an exotic touch of cardamon in the backend that adds even more of an edge. The almost seamless finish resonates for 50 seconds. The wine blends 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 46% Merlot, and 4% Petit Verdot. 14% ABV, 3.75 pH. The harvest took place September 11 - October 5. Waiting the few extra days in September made the difference in the wine this year. Yields are a scant 32 hectoliters per hectare. Drink from 2029-2065."
JAMES SUCKLING: "The vivid density and structure to this is really captivating, with pure blackcurrant character. Full-bodied with very silky, refined and ultra-fine tannins and an exquisite finish. Caresses every inch of the palate. It's seems like it will be large and overpowering, but it's actually ethereal and cloud-like. The tannin quality is so refined and, in a way, weightless. 50% cabernet sauvignon, 46% merlot and 4% petit verdot."
WEINWISSER: "50 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 46 % Merlot, 4 % Petit Verdot, 32 hl/ha. Was für ein unglaubliches Parfüm, frischgepflückte Alpenheidelbeere, verführerischer Iris-Duft und Graphit. Im zweiten Ansatz edle Cassiswürze, Schattenmorellensaft und Schokopastillen. Am dicht verwobenen Gaumen mit samtiger Textur, tänzerischer vibrierender Rasse, berauschender Extraktfülle und durchtrainiertem Körper. Im nicht enden wollenden energiegeladenen Finale explodiert der Margaux, blaue Beeren, Holundernektar, tiefschürfende dunkle Mineralik und feinkörnige Adstringenz."
JEB DUNNUCK: "As to the Grand Vin, the 2023 Château Palmer checks in as 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 46% Merlot, and 4% Petit Verdot. It too is inky hued but is much more inward, with gorgeous blue fruits, graphite, charcoal, liquid violets, and crushed stone-like minerality. Rich, full-bodied, incredibly concentrated, and powerful on the palate, it has ultra-fine tannins, remarkable purity, and a great, great finish. It's up with the creme de las crema of the vintage and is about as sexy and seamless as the vintage gets. I wouldn't be surprised to see this top out (or surpass) the barrel rating when all is said and done."
FALSTAFF: "Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, opaker Kern, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Zarte Mandarinenzesten, reife Herzkirschen, frische Brombeeren, zart nach Lakritze, noch etwas zurückhaltend. Komplex, kraftvoll, rote Kirschen, reife, tragende Tannine, rassiger Säurebogen, Ribiseltouch im Abgang, feine Kräuterwürze im Nachhall, bleibt haften, ein stoffiger Speisenbegleiter."
LISA PERROTTI-BROWN: "The 2023 Palmer is opaque purple-black in color. A little broody and subdued to start, notes of tar, damp soil, and crushed rocks soon give way to a core of fresh blackcurrants, wild blueberries, and Morello cherries with a touch of iron ore. The medium-bodied palate delivers bright, shimmery black and red berry flavors with a satiny texture and racy backbone, finishing on a lingering ferrous note. The blend is 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 46% Merlot, and 4% Petit Verdot."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "Director Thomas Duroux and his team elected to harvest late in pursuit of full maturity, beginning with the Merlot on September 11 and finishing the Cabernet Sauvignon on October 5 to produce a beautiful 2023 Palmer, redolent of cherries, wild berries, rose petals and violets. A blend of 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 46% Merlot and 4% Petit Verdot, it's medium to full-bodied, plush and enveloping, with a cool core of fruit, succulent acids, ultra-refined tannins and a seamless, complete profile."
VINUM: "Tiefdunkle Farbe, nobel im Duft, dunkle Beeren, Tabak, Kräuter, Weihnachtsgewürze; voluminöser Auftakt, dann straffer werdend, gut strukturiert, zupackendes Tannin, knackige Frucht, viel Spannung, wird gegen Ende immer leichtfüssiger, zeigt Rasse und Länge. Eindrücklich."
JANCIS ROBINSON: "Gourmand again, like the Alter Ego, but more complexity and depth on the nose. Unctuosity on the mid palate but length and persistence as well. Lovely texture of tannin but definitively structured to age. Drink 2032 - 2050."

Informationen zum Weingut


Chateau Palmer
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer:
Chateau Palmer, 3 Avenue des Vignolles, 33180 Saint-Estèphe, Frankreich
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