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Chateau Les Carmes Haut Brion 2022

Topwein des Jahrgangs - 2. Tranche


Was sollen wir hierzu sagen? Der Wein des Jahrganges oder „nur“ einer der Top-5 des Jahrganges. Glauben Sie uns, all das ist obsolet. Was Guillaume Pouthier auf diesem Idyll mitten in Bordeaux vinifiziert, grenzt an Magie. 70% der gesamten Ernte wurde mit „Haut und Haar“ vergoren, also eine Vergärung mit Stilen und Schalen. 70% neue Fässer, 20% Foudre und 10% Amphoren reifen diesen Traumwein zur Perfektion. Die Welt ist verrückt nach Carmes Haut Brion, und 2022 setzt nochmals eins drauf. Strengst limitiert!

Chateau Les Carmes Haut Brion 2022

6 Fl. á 0,75l in der 6er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfügbar
12 Fl. á 0,75l in der 12er OVP
Derzeit nicht verfügbar


WEINWISSER: "40 % Cabernet Franc, 34 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 26 % Merlot, 13.5 Vol.-%, pH 3.64. 70 % ganze Trauben mit Stielen. Der Wein wird zu 70 % aus ganzen Trauben mit Stielen gewonnen und zu 70 % in neuen Fässern, zu 20 % in Foudre und zu 10 % in Amphoren ausgebaut. Ungeheuer vielschichtiges Bouquet, frisch gepflückte Alpenheidelbeere, roter Kirschsaft, betörendes Veilchenparfüm, getrocknete Rosenblätter, Schokopastillen, Brasiltabak und Brombeergelee. Am energiegeladenen Gaumen mit seidiger Textur, salzigem Extrakt, engmaschigem reifem Tanningerüst und kaskadenartigem Körper. Im konzentrierten Finale ein Feuerwerk von Wildkirschen, tiefschürfender Terroirwürze, Olivenpaste, dazu ein Hauch Menthol und ein ewig langes Finale mit royaler Adstringenz. Der beste Les Carmes ever und die Nummer 1 in Pessac. Chapeau Guillaume Pouthier! 2030 – 2058."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "The remarkable 2022 Les Carmes Haut-Brion is a strong candidate for the title of wine of the vintage. It's also one of the most singular, characterful wines being produced in the region today. Unfurling in the glass with complex aromas of blackberries and cherries mingled with notions of exotic spices, orange zest, pencil lead, rose petals and vine smoke, it's medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with a velvety attack that segues into a layered, seamless and multidimensional mid-palate framed by rich, powdery tannins. Pure, perfumed and penetrating, this blend of 40% Cabernet Franc, 34% Cabernet Sauvignon and 26% Merlot is a brilliant success that caps a decade of relentless work by Guillaume Pouthier and his team that have seen Les Carmes Haut-Brion emerge as one of Bordeaux's leading estates. It checks in at a mere 13.5% alcohol, with a very healthy pH of 3.64."
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "The first thing you notice is the black, purple hue. Next, it its the perfume with its black, blue and red fruits, incense, curry, flowers, smoke and herbs. Opulent, restrained, elegant and powerful, the wine comes in layers. You can sense the array of exotic spices, mint, blue and black fruits, crushed rocks, black cherries and white pepper on the palate. Full-bodied and dense, the wine somehow remains light on its feet. The end notes, meshing elegance and power bring everything together, as the finish crosses the 60 second mark. This is perhaps even better than the perfect, 2016! The wine was made using 70% whole bunch clusters during fermentation. From a blend of 40% Cabernet Franc, 34% Cabernet Sauvignon and 26% Merlot, 13.5% ABV, pH 3.6. The wine is aging in a combination of 70% new, French oak, 20% foudres and 10% amphora. Picking took place September 5 - September 22. Yields were 40 hectoliters per hectares. Drink from 2025-2050."
DECANTER: "An exceptional wine in 2022 by winemaker Guillaume Pouthier who has delivered a supremely drinkable, likeable and harmonious wine that perfectly balances fruit density, aromatic expressiveness, lively acidity and a less is more approach. Intensely fragrant on the nose, nuanced and expressive, open and beguiling with rose, jasmine, bramble fruit, red cherry, liquorice and slate. Tense and a touch strict on the palate, electric and thrilling with bright acidity and tannins that come in and give weight and texture to the frame. Crushed velvet, smooth and salty, not plump or overly plush, instead well defined, focussed and precise. Silky, elegant with crystalline purity. A beautiful style married to a philosophy that works in hot vintages using whole bunch fermentation to lower the alcohol and give freshness to the wine. A standout success and a wine we’re going to want to finish. 3.64ph. 70% whole cluster. Ageing 70% new barrels, 20% 18hl casks, 10% amphoras."
JEB DUNNUCK: "I think one of the legendary wines in the vintage will be the 2022 Château Les Carmes Haut-Brion, which comes from a tiny vineyard not far from Haut-Brion and is based on 40% Cabernet Franc, 34% Cabernet Sauvignon, and the rest Merlot, vinified with 70% whole clusters, and aged 70% in new barrels, 20% in foudre, and 10% in amphora. Despite mostly being not destemmed, you wouldn't know it by tasting it. It has a classic bouquet of ripe blackberries, cassis, leafy herbs, graphite, and violets, while in contrast, the C Des Carmes Haut-Brion, which is vinified with just 30% stems, is clearly marked more by its stems. Full-bodied, concentrated, beautifully balanced, and with a rare mix of purity, freshness, and power, it's going to rival the 2018 as one of the finest vintages ever produced from this address. It's worth noting this estate has a unique terroir in Pessac that includes some limestone in the soils, and this worked particularly well in 2022. Don't miss this wine."
FALSTAFF: "Leuchtendes tiefdunkles Rubingranat, opaker Kern, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Floraler Touch nach kandierten Veilchen, reife rote Kirschen, ein Hauch von Brombeerkonfit, Nuancen von Lakritze, sehr vielschichtiges Bukett. Saftig, sehr komplex, straffe, reife Tannine, feine dunkle Beerenfrucht, mineralisch, feiner Vieille-Vignes-Charakter, balanciert, sehr große Länge, enormes Reifepotenzial für Jahrzehnte. Hat auch mit seinen 13,5 % ein enormes Volumen, zu jeder Zeit seidig, frisch und in seiner Art einzigartig."
LISA PERROTTI-BROWN: „The 2022 Les Carmes Haut-Brion is a blend of 40% Cabernet Franc, 34% Cabernet Sauvignon, and 26% Merlot, 90% aging in oak (70% new barriques, 20% 18hl casks) and 10% in amphoras. Deep garnet-purple in color, it pops out of the glass with lifted notes of redcurrant jelly, wild blueberries, blackcurrant pastilles, and lavender, leading to cerebral wafts of cast-iron pan, dark chocolate, and dusty soil with a hint of licorice. The red and black berry flavors do pirouettes on the medium-bodied palate, featuring incredibly fine-grained tannins and fantastic tension that gives a shimmer to the very long mineral-laced finish. As usual, the alcohol is 13.5% (the stem inclusion absorbs some of the alcohol during fermentation) and the pH is 3.64. This is a vibrant, showy, immediately impactful wine that flies in the face of traditional Bordeaux, carrying it off with bags of grace and style. A slight carbonic character from the whole bunch juxtaposed by a rock-solid structure thanks to the ripe stem tannins creates a unique signature. I personally love it, but if you're a Bordeaux purest, this might not be your cup of tea."
JAMES SUCKLING: "This is so umami with sea urchin character that gives you sea salt and dried seaweed aromas and flavors. The integrity and richness is so impressive with an exotic character, yet it is so classic and fine in structure. 13.5% alcohol. 70% whole cluster fermentation. 40% cabernet franc, 35% cabernet sauvignon and 25% merlot. A new model for Bordeaux?"
JANCIS ROBINSON: "Deep crimson colour. Slightly reserved aromatically but floral notes (lily, iris) as it opens. Dense with a beautifully suave texture, the tannins powerful but refined. Luscious but fresh and long on the finish, the oak (70% new barrels) completely absorbed. Both seductive and restrained. Marked freshness for the year. Will need to check the evolution. "

Informationen zum Weingut


Chateau Les Carmes Haut Brion
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer:
Chateau Les Carmes Haut Brion, 197 Avenue Jean Cordier, 33600 Pessac, Frankreich
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